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May 2024 Government Affairs Report

City of Olympia

City of Olympia-council meeting updates

  1. The theme this month in Olympia was around neighborhood centers.  There is discussion and analysis around the desire to have more of these commercial/residential clusters and how could that look and does policy need to change to support these.
  2. I continued to participate in the Black Home Initiative stakeholder meetings, a non-profit that has been working out of King and Pierce counties to close the gap on homeownership for past racial inequities.
    1. This is a possible framework the city may consider to bring in smaller development within City Limits.  This also seems to be correlating with the WSHFC Covenant Homeownership Program that will be rolling out later this year at the State Level.

Ways to get involved & Stay informed: Engage Olympia (



Thurston County

Thurston County

Thurston County BoCC-Comprehensive Plan Updates/How to provide feedback:

Thurston County BoCC-Events

  • June 5, 630pm at Thurston County Atrium, Room 110, 3000 Pacific Ave SE
  • Comprehensive Plan update-Thurston 2045:
  • Land Use & Zoning:
  • Natural Resources:

Thurston County Comprehensive Plan Forums: Focus will be Climate and Housing Chapters.

  • June 13, 5pm-8pm at Yelm Community Center
  • June 15, 10am-1pm at Tenino Quarry House


City of Lacey: Lacey

Approved-Memorandum of Understanding Regarding a Housing Displacement and Racially Disparate Impacts Analysis

  • House Bill 1220, adopted by the Washington State Legislature in the 2021, amended the Growth Management Act (GMA) under RCW 36.70A.070(2)(e-h) to require local governments to address policies, programs and zoning that may have a racially disparate or exclusionary effect and address patterns of disinvestment. Local governments now must also identify displacement risk and establish policies to prevent displacement or reduce the hardships caused by displacement. These requirements need to be addressed by Lacey as part of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update to the Housing Element.
  • The cities of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater and Yelm have partnered to complete the Housing Displacement and Racially Disparate Impacts Analysis. Partnering to complete the analysis will combine resources consistent with the regional approach to addressing housing challenges. Although this work will be completed regionally, Lacey will be responsible for coordinating with the consultant on proposed policy solutions and deliverables needed for our Comprehensive Plan update.
  • The Memorandum of Understanding identifies the cost-sharing arrangement for the work and is based on the City’s number of zoning districts. The cost to the City is $31,680 and will be funded by a portion of the $175,000 GMA-update grant.

Neighborhood Commercial Districts- (Information Only)

Within the 2016 Lacey Comprehensive Plan, Neighborhood Commercial Districts are intended to:

  • Land Use - Provide convenient access to neighborhood commercial zones throughout the planning area with emphasis on pedestrian opportunities.
  • Policy A: Retain strategic sites for neighborhood commercial activities, providing neighborhood commercial activities within walking distance of all neighborhood areas.
  • Policy B: Pay particular attention to integration of neighborhood commercial sites to ensure the site is compatible with and complements and serves local neighborhood uses.
  • Policy C: Neighborhood Commercial zones should be designed and sited to serve neighborhood needs, as opposed to serving a larger community base or capturing the motoring public.
  • Housing Action Plan Strategies included:
    • Expand the overall housing supply by making it easier to build all types of housing projects and increase the variety of housing choices
    • Within the existing code, residential uses are only permitted above ground floor commercial. In recognition of growing housing needs across the region, this update presented an opportunity to increase the

Work Session-EV Charing Stations Pricing Policy

  • Current Locations:
    • City Hall
      • 2-Level 2 Chargers (4 Stalls)
      • 1-DC Fast Charger (1 Stall)
    • Library
      • 1-Level 2 Chargers (2 Stalls)
    • Community Center
      • 1-Level 2 Chargers (2 Stalls)
      • 1-DC Fast Charger (1 Stall)
    • RAC
      • 6-DC Fast Chargers (6 Stalls)
    • EV Charging Stations
      • Level 2-Provides approx. 20 miles of range per hour
      • Level 3-DC Fast-Fastest and provides 80% charge in less than 1 hour
    • Locate EV Locations
      • ChargePoint App and/or website will notify customer of the following:
        • Location/Station ID
        • Availability
        • Type (AD/DC)
        • Rate

City of Tumwater

Ordinance No 02023-014, Proposed Amendments to Tumwater Municipal Code Chapter 12.32 Public Parks

What do they do-

    • Extends 26 rules to all City owned properties
    • Violations become civil infractions vs criminal offenses
    •  Confirms compliance with applicable law (Boise Decision)
  • What they do not
    • Does not promote establishment of “encampments”
    • Does not allow camping, littering, smoking, overnight parking, campfires, etc.
    • Does not allow criminal behavior to occur
  • There was lots of discussion on this matter during the meeting, ultimately the council agreed to
    wait and see what the Supreme Court decides on June 30th, 2024, regarding the Grants Pass decision.

    • There are two possible outcomes from the Grants Pass case: a limited decision that overturns but maintains homelessness as a status that cannot be de jure criminalized (upholding Robinson), or it does not consider homelessness as a status and cities are allowed to take prohibitive measures as Grants Pass did (barring overriding state legislation).
    • Link to article

Approved Ordinance No. 02024-001, Updates to Title 15 Building Codes

  • This ordinance is to amend TMC Title 15, Buildings and Construction, and to adopt the 2021 building, fire, plumbing, mechanical and energy codes required by the State Building Code Act, Chapter 19.27 RCW. The City is also adopting the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC), 2021 Edition, and the ICC Guidelines for Replicable Buildings.
  • The State Building Code Council updates the State Building Codes on a three-year cycle. All jurisdictions in Washington State are required to enforce these regulations. The City of Tumwater will be adopting these codes with minor local amendments.

Memorandum of Understanding Regarding a Housing Displacement and Racially Disparate Impacts Analysis

  • On a ten-year cycle, the City is required to conduct a Growth Management Act periodic update of its Comprehensive Plan and related development regulations. For the current cycle, the City is required to complete work on the periodic update by December 31, 2025.
  • The Memorandum of Understanding will allow the City to work with the Cities of Lacey, Olympia, and Yelm and a consultant on a Housing Displacement and Racially Disparate Impacts Analysis as required by State law for the 2025 Housing Element Periodic Update

City of Tumwater, Work Session, Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan Implementation Update (Informational Only)

  •  TCMC staff completed Phase 1 Project for Design and Planning of the Residential Energy Efficiency and Electrification Campaign which consists of the three components:
    •  Web-based informational hub
    • Advisory support service
    • Local incentive and outreach campaign
      • Thurston County also engaged with King and Pierce counties, and the cities of Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia to launch a tri-county “Switch is On” Pilot to serve as the foundational web platform for the local campaign.
  • TCMC Staff Team also completed a Project Plan for developing a regionally consistent policy for assessment and disclosure for residential energy performance ratings. It will provide homebuyers and occupants with an assessment of home energy performance, expected energy costs and recommendations for cost-effective improvements to reduce energy use and costs.
  • All-Electric Buildings Webpage-Progress was made in the following websites, including, incentives and rebates for the following: Commercial and Residential, Heat Pumps, Multifamily retrofit, water heater.
  •  SolSmart Designation
    • City of Tumwater achieved SolSmart Silver Designation in 2023. The City was award all 210 points applied for across the following categories:
      •  Permitting & Inspection
      • Planning & Zoning
      • Government Operations
      • Community Engagement
      • Market Development
      • City Solar Landing Page:
      • City of Tumwater Solar Dashboard is updated monthly:


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